6 November 2013

Nani Roma and the PCR Sport Mini Cooper shine.

Nani Roma driving a PCR Sport prepared Mini Cooper emerged victorious in the final European round of the Gymkhana Grid series. After being invited by sponsors Monster Energy Nani and the PCR Sport team entered the Madrid event with the intention of giving the best performance they could.

Once pre-qualifying was completed Nani and his Mini had to focus on beating not only his fellow competitors but the demanding gymkhana course. Despite the short notice and Nani being unaccustomed to the spectacular (but short) nature of gymkhana tests the end result was astounding.

Not only did the PCR Sport built Mini defeat Anton Marklund's 650PS rallycross Volkswagen Polo Supercar in the semi-finals Nani also beat "Mr Gymkhana" himself, winning the final by beating all American superstar Ken  Block!!

It was a superb finish to the teams first ever Gymkhana Grid event with Nani Roma and everyone in the team delighted. Pep Codinach from PCR Sport summed the team's sentiment perfectly "We are certainly very satisfied with the (Gymkhana Grid) experience and would be very willing to repeat it again if the opportunity arises."

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