2 April 2012

Brumos Racing ready for next challenge

Following months of intense preparation for the challenging Rolex 24 at Daytona,
GRAND-AM Rolex Series competitors appreciate a post-race break in the action to regroup and ready
themselves for the season ahead. Now, nearly two months since their podium finish at the 2012
Daytona classic, Brumos is eager to return to action in the Porsche 250 at Barber Motorsports Park.
The scenic Birmingham venue has long been a favorite of Brumos, but last season Barber marked a
critical milestone for the Brumos GT effort, as noted by Andrew Davis. "The Barber Motorsports Park
event was very special, as it was the first time our squad worked together as a single unit. Each
member of the team brought a wealth of experience, but it was not known at the time how quickly
everything would come together. We were on our way to a solid top five until a Daytona Prototype
made contact with us, but the strong showing was certainly a sign of things to come. Now we are
returning to the circuit as champions, having the confidence necessary to challenge for the race win."
Davis, who enjoys the track and its amenities often in his role as instructor for the Porsche Sport
Driving School, is especially looking forward to seeing many of his friends and family in attendance –
particularly his wife and young son, Layne, who attended his very first race at Barber last season.
Leh Keen has plenty of reasons of his own to anticipate returning to Barber, including scoring one of
his first podiums there in 2004 and taking a pole position in 2009. This year, Keen welcomes what he
calls the true start to the 2012 season at Barber, saying, “It’s time for us to hunker down now for the
typical Rolex Series sprint race format. Last year we had a great run at this track as a brand new team.
This year we are back as race winners and as champions, so we expect even better results. The
competition is going to be fierce – we have some new teams, and some familiar teams that have
stepped up their game with even better drivers, so everyone has turned it up a notch. Every team will
be digging to get more out of the car and their crew, but we have stepped up our game as well. I can’t
think of anything better than kicking off this part of the season driving the #59 Brumos Porsche GT3
in the Porsche 250 at Barber Motorsports Park.”
Skip Schinsing looks back at Barber, his first race in the role of Brumos Team Manager, with pride.
“We went in to Barber as a new group working together for the first time. We came out knowing what
we were capable of after that first weekend, and we built on that all season,” he said. “Barber gave a
lot of confidence to the entire team. We carried that confidence on to the next race and soon we were
on our way to the championship. Barber was definitely a turning point for Brumos as a team. We’ve
continued that momentum with our podium at Daytona and have taken advantage of the break to get a
lot done. We got our spares together, made steady improvements to the car, tested a bit, and have
done all we can to prepare for the extremely busy season that lies ahead. Brumos is ready to race.”
Andrew Davis summed it up well on behalf of the entire Brumos team when he said, “The Porsche
250 draws a large crowd, and the Rolex Series always puts on a great show around the twists and turns
of Barber Motorsports Park. I can’t wait for the 2012 season to get back into full swing!”

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