6 February 2014

Day 2 Rally Sweden

At the end of the second day of competition on the Rally Sweden Volkswagen Motorsport drivers hold the top three overall positions, capping a perfect day of rallying for the German team.

Sébastien Ogier / Julien Ingrassia finished day two and start day three in first overall, having snatched the lead back from Andreas Mikkelsen / Mikko Markkula on the final stage of the day. Ogeir and Mikkelsen had been locked in a battle for first throughout the day, with Ogier dropping behind the young Norwegian towards the end of the day before clawing back the lost time. Mikkelsen (one of the stars of the rally so far) opted to use worn tyres on the last stage and was prepared to sacrifice his outright pace in order to have a brand new set of tyres (and studs) for tomorrow's first stage.

Jari-Matti Latvala / Miikka Anttila kept a watching brief in third overall for the whole day, trading seconds with Ogier and Mikkelsen and keeping in contention despite small gear selection concerns. The duo are expected to challenge both team mates on tomorrow's faster and more flowing stages.

Whilst the German team's drivers currently have the podium sewn up, Swedish stages are particularly unforgiving and there are a lot of stage miles to be covered before the event finishes.....

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