11 June 2011

New owner!

Having successfully sponsored Erik West Rallying for a few years Erik West Rallying now own German Cars Blog!

Erik said "After their support when I was actively rallying it seemed logical for me to get involved with the German Cars Blog. I wasn't really expecting to get the whole blog but now I have I will need to see what needs changing, what is good and what could be improved.
Obviously the first thing that needs changing is the lack of blogs! A blog with no blogs is like a car with no wheels, pretty useless and a waste of space.....
I intend to keep the format pretty similar, no adverts, no subscription just acurate information in an easy to read format with the odd in depth article.
The transition between old and new owners will take a while and as I have a family and plenty of other commitments I'm hoping for a re-launch sometime in the Autumn of 2011.
I hope the new German Cars Blog proves to be an interesting addition to the motoring blog scene, comments are welcome as are offers of help!"

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