19 November 2007

Opel Flextreme.

Another German stunner at the Tokyo Motorshow was Opel’s Flextreme. Designed with the commuter in mind the Flextreme is an electric car with a difference. Using battery power for propulsion the Flextreme does have an internal combustion engine too. Surprisingly the 1300cc diesel engine isn’t connected to the wheels at all, instead it is used to generate electricity to charge the batteries should extra charge be required. Using battery power alone the Opel Flextreme has a range of approx 35 miles, ideal for most commuters apparently. A simple plug-in and charge system allows the Flextreme’s batteries to be recharged simply and quickly (Approx 3 hours charge time.).
Based on the Opel Astra Estate platform the Flextreme makes maximum use of space and technology using touch screen displays, lightweight plastic body and large wide opening doors (suicide style for the rear passengers).
Whilst the Flextreme is highly unlikely to see production GM and Opel {link} aim to introduce a range of hybrid vehicles around 2010.

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